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BYOND Dme Parser


Library to parse BYOND project and deserialize whole object tree into Dme.class object.


Maven Central JCenter

Library deployed to Maven Central and JCenter repositories.




compile 'io.github.spair:byond-dme-parser:${last.version}'

How To Use

Project parsing process should be started from the root .dme file.

Dme dme = DmeParser.parse(new File(${path/to/root/dme/file}));

Also Dme object has method to merge himself with provided json.

JSON should have next format:

  "macroses": {
    "NUMBER_MACROS": 100,
    "TEXT_MACROS": "{text}one hundred",     << this will result in quoted text
    "RAW_MACROS": "one hundred"
  "definitions": [
      "type": "/obj",
      "parent": "/datum",
      "subtypes": [],
      "vars": {
        "number_var": 100,
        "text_var": "{text}one hundred",    << this will result in quoted text
        "raw_var": "one hundred"

Next fields for object definitions are mandatory: type, parent, subtypes, vars. If you don’t wan’t provide value to one of these field, it should still exist and have empty value (empty string for type and parent, empty array for subtypes, empty object for vars).

More could be found in JavaDoc.


The parsing algorithm itself is a pretty straightforward port of @monster860 JS library byond-parser, big thanks to him for that.